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POLIS PhD Studentships at University of Cambridge 2019

Deadline: January 3, 2019

The Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) at University of Cambridge is inviting applications for POLIS PhD Studentships for 2019/20 Entry. The studentships will be merit-based, with preference to applicants from the UK/EU.

All students who are offered a place on the PhD course will be automatically considered and no additional application is necessary.

The establishment of the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) in January 2009 provided a new institutional focus at Cambridge for teaching and research on politics in all its dimensions; international and comparative, theoretical and empirical, abstract and practical. POLIS is one of  four departments in the Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science, together with the Departments of Sociology, and Archaeology and Anthropology, and is one of nine departments which constitute the School of Humanities and Social Sciences

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Each studentship will cover fees and maintenance at the standard Research Council rate.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

Applicants for this course should have achieved a UK Masters (Distinction).

If your degree is not from the UK, please check International Qualifications to find the equivalent in your country.

The general requirement is for a first-class undergraduate degree from a UK university or equivalent, or GPA of at least 3.85 or equivalent from a non-UK university; and a master’s degree in a relevant subject, with a mark equivalent to a distinction, or a GPA of at least 3.85 or equivalent from a non-UK University. For research proposals that require knowledge of specific methodological or language skills, applicants must demonstrate the necessary competence or provide a realistic plan of how they will acquire the relevant skills.

If your degree is not from the UK, please check International Qualifications to find the equivalent in your country.

We strongly encourage you to include information about your ranking within your academic year from both your undergraduate and masters degree. We anticipate that successful applicants will be in the top 20% of their academic years, although we recognise that in programmes with highly competitive entry standards, this condition may be relaxed.

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